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Newsletter - 2nd September 2023


Happy weekend to you 🙂

This newsletter comes to you from my trusty seat at Pakenham R.S.L.! More on that later…

We have a lot to cover this week - an update on order collections from Pakenham, information on our Mango Fundraiser, a change to Bass River Dairy orders, a date for the AGM and our open orders.

Mango Fundraiser

Last year, our Mango Fundraiser was a big success. We bought 64 trays of mangoes (7 kg each, and each containing 14 to 21 mangoes - that’s A LOT of mangoes!), with members clamouring for the last few available trays, necessitating us rationing them out at the end! They were so popular and amazingly tasty that everyone came back for more after buying and trying them. We chopped and froze and dehydrated mangoes for days, and ate them fresh while we could. It was Mango Madness!

Needless to say, we are doing it again (and I’m super excited!).

Yesterday, I received notification from our mango grower and supplier that unfortunately the 2023 Mango crop has failed, and that they are expecting only a 20% yield, similar to the 2021 season. This is true across ALL mango growers across northern Australia, so mangoes in the shops this year will be expensive and often unavailable.

The mango trays will therefore be smaller this year - 4.5kg per tray - and the price per kg has increased a bit. Here is a price comparison table for you:

As you can see, the price is still very reasonable, especially for such an amazing product from a regenerative, spray-free farm, and it will certainly beat the prices at supermarkets this year. You can read more about Bowen Mangoes on our Mango Fundraiser page.

I hope you, your family and friends are able to support our fundraiser - it’s a great way for us to raise the money to help cover our annual costs. You will absolutely not be disappointed in these mangoes - they’re the best we’ve ever eaten!

Save the Date

We will be holding our 2023 Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 26th September at 7pm. You will be able to attend in person as well as via Zoom, and we will once again be combining it with a Social Evening! We hope to see you in person if you are able to make it.

Order Collections from Pakenham

Please make sure you read the minutes from from Monday 14th August’s urgent meeting. It is important that those collecting from Pakenham are aware of the changes we have had to make. We have a permanent (for now!) collection time and place, with a HUGE thank you to Pakenham RSL for letting us use their space completely for free. If you are looking to make a monetary donation somewhere this year, please consider them, as they struggle as much as we do to pay their rent, bills, and help their members.

Pakenham collection details:

Place: Pakenham R.S.L., 1 Snodgrass Street, Pakenham

Collection times: Saturday mornings 8.45 am to 10.15 am.

You will be notified if you have an order available for collection in the current week. Please respond with a time you will be collecting so I know to pack your order into my car.

Temporary Change to Bass River Dairy Order

The Bass River Dairy order will be open fortnightly for the foreseeable future. It will open in the same week as the other dairy and fridge/freezer goods suppliers (Blue Pumpkin and St David Dairy). It is open this week.

Orders Permanently Open

A reminder that the following orders are always open and available for purchase:

  • Cheeky Monkey - Heat bags ma de from 100% cotton fabric and thread, with removable, washable covers. They contain corn instead of wheat, making them suitable for people with wheat allergies. You can read more about them on the product pages;

  • Olive and Bee Intimate Cream - recommended by one of our members who has been using it for a couple of years. It has uses as a moisturiser and massage oil as well as a personal lubricant. It has two ingredients - olive oil and beeswax - and is Australian made and owned by a small business. We have some tester tubes coming soon. You can read more about it on the product page;

  • There are always items available in Fills. Fills are important because they let us buy items in bulk (by the carton) so we can continue to get big discounts, but items do need to keep moving through there to keep us financially viable 🙂 So if you need anything, or want to treat yourself to something (there’s always cheese!) head over and check out Fills.

Orders Currently Open

The following orders are currently open (links open each order page):

  • Bass River Dairies - amazing milk, bottled on the farm, and artisan cheeses, made on the farm;

  • Eggs - certified pastured, free range eggs, fresh from Thriving Foods Farm, an organic regenerative farm in Koo Wee Rup;

  • St David Dairy - microdairy in Fitzroy that produces butter, buttermilk, cream and yoghurt; and

  • Blue Pumpkin - different brands of organic fridge, freezer and pantry items, including frozen fruit and vegetables, Meredith Dairy sheep and goat yoghurt and cheeses, Coyo coconut yoghurt and ice cream, sugar free organic dairy yoghurt, cheeses, Byron Bay Gourmet Pies, Bio-Grape range and many more.

Please get in touch with any questions.

Have a lovely week and happy shopping!


Melbourne Wellness Hub Inc

Ph. 0438 233 414

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